Arendtian Republicanism(s) Readings between action and institution.


  • Camila Cuello


republicanism, revolucionary councils, action


The configuration of an Arendtian republicanism has been debated for several years in various academic and intellectual spaces. Throughout this paper, we seek to explore the characteristics of the distinctive type of Republicanism that Margaret Canovan (1993), in her now classic study, attributes to Arendt's thought.

On this reconstruction, we seek to raise a series of questions linked to reflect on the importance that institutions acquire therein, understood as fortresses whose main objective is to preserve the World from the dangers of the extraordinary capacity of action of men.

In the face of this, we propose another republican reading configured from a phenomenological perspective of politics that allows not only to decenter the institutions but also to reflect on the constitutive tension between action and institution. It is in the light of these reflections that we believe that Arendt's complex analysis of the Revolutionary Councils can be rethought.


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Studies and Notes - Dossier

How to Cite

Arendtian Republicanism(s) Readings between action and institution. (2023). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 2(2), 196-216.