Current Clinical Practice in the Face of the Crisis of Patriarchy


  • Miquel Bassols Université Paris VIII - Francia


Name of the Father, Ordinary Psychosis, Sinthome, Patriarchy


This paper addresses the Lacanian perspective from the "decline of the paternal imago" with respect to the current symbolic system, marked and criticized by patriarchy, in a context of globalization whose effects can be seen in the multiplicity of identities and in the phenomena of segregation.  The proposal about the "evaporation of the father" does not refer to its disappearance, but to the metaphor of evaporation in Physics understood as the gradual passage from a liquid state to a gaseous state, in a dissemination of particles that become invisible to the naked eye. In this sense, we can speak of a dissemination of the symbolic function as well as other forms of naming that the subject of our time takes to represent himself, in a current clinic oriented by knotting and unknotting via the sinthome and by the compass of ordinary psychosis.


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Author Biography

  • Miquel Bassols, Université Paris VIII - Francia

    Psychoanalyst, member of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis (ELP-Spain) and the École de la Cause freudienne (ECF-France). Doctorate from the Département de Psychanalyse at the University of Paris 8 with a thesis on Llull with Lacan: love, word, and letter in psychosis. He was president of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (2014-2018), and lecturer at the Institute of the Freudian Field in Spain.


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How to Cite

Current Clinical Practice in the Face of the Crisis of Patriarchy. (2024). Pathos, 6, 88-97.