Tyché and Automaton in Urgent Care Clinics



Urgent care, repetition, tyche, automaton, Awakening


From a psychoanalytic perspective, the experience of urgency represents a break, a rupture that usually leaves the subject without resources to maintain the relative balance with which their life unfolds. A failed encounter with the real, the accident of tyché, produces a collapse in the automatism of repetition, giving urgency the appearance of timelessness. In this context, the analyst's intervention will propose the introduction of a time for symbolic elaboration of that which, at first, appears meaningless. This elaboration will not aim to restore the situation to a previous point but rather to subjectivize the urgency, making the encounter with an analyst an opportunity to inspire and foster an awakening.


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Author Biographies

  • María Ines Sotelo, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina

    PhD in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires.
    Brief summary of professional background: María Inés Sotelo is a psychoanalyst in Buenos Aires. Member of EOL and AMP. Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology (UBA). Director of UBACyT. Director of the Master's in Psychoanalytic Clinic (IDAES, UNSAM). Director of the Specialization Program in Clinic with a Psychoanalytic Orientation (UBA).

  • Vanesa Patricia Fazio, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina

    PhD in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires. Vanesa Patricia Fazio is a psychoanalyst in Buenos Aires. Undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology (UBA). Master’s in Psychoanalysis (UBA). Specialist in Transdisciplinary Interventions in Family and Gender Violence (UBA). UBACyT researcher.



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How to Cite

Tyché and Automaton in Urgent Care Clinics. (2024). Pathos, 6, 67-75. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pathos/article/view/47432