Trauma in the culture of malaise and in ours


  • Mario Chades Universidad Nacional de San Luis - Argentina


trauma, culture, discomfort, joy


The civilization described by Freud in "The malaise in culture" is one that operated a harsh restriction of the sexual and aggressive desires of the individual, with the consequent loss of happiness and increased feelings of guilt, repression being its mechanism par excellence. It was effectively the civilization of neurosis, in which however there was an "arrangement" with the traumatic.

Another story is that of today, in which trauma is revealed as the protagonist on the scene. Thus, the elimination of suffering is evident in a way other than that of the word, which is not inscribed in the formations of the unconscious.

Consequently, our time poses new challenges for Psychoanalysis, perhaps it is concerned a clinic of the beyond the pleasure principle (of enjoyment), a clinic that "provoke" the subject, there where exists only the impact of the Real.


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How to Cite

Trauma in the culture of malaise and in ours. (2021). Pathos, 3, 33-42.