Transsexuality, psychosis and the diagnosis as injury



transsexual, prejudices, foreclosure, psychosis, diagnosis


Within the perspectives in psychoanalysis regarding the articulation between transsexuality and psychosis, there are, mainly, two positions: one, which considers transsexuality as a synonym for psychosis; another, which does not limit it to a clinical structure. Revisiting two central Lacanian references about transsexuality, we find some interpretions that show some prejudice, such as understanding forclusion as a synonym for psychosis, insanity as psychosis, and the "passage to the real" as passage to the act. We consider that the core of the matter concerns the ancient use of the diagnosis of psychosis in an insulting scope. Suspending our prejudices is fundamental, not only in the experience of analysis, but also in the second moment that involves theorizing about it. From an analytical perspective, gender dysphoria is insufficient data for any diagnosis if the subject is unknown.


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Author Biography

  • David Vargas Castro, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina

    David Andrés Vargas Castro. Psychoanalyst. Doctoral student in Psychology (UBA). Teacher and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires and the University of the Merchant Marine. Member of the Analytical Forum of the Río de la Plata (FARP). Author of the books El suicidio como acto y sus paradojas (2020, Letra Viva) and Transferencia y posición del analista en Freud, Klein y Lacan (2012, Editorial Académica Española), as well as numerous articles published in specialized journals.


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How to Cite

Transsexuality, psychosis and the diagnosis as injury. (2020). Pathos, 2(2), 64-73.