Affective Co-Implications: Academy and Feminist Activism


  • Paloma Chousal


Affective implications, militant experiences, vital and academic adventures, cuir writings


Feminist activism and academic work can have a complex and sometimes tense relationship. In recent years, the disputes raised by feminist movements have been fundamental for the creation of gender studies in universities, various investigations show that feminist struggles have been an important engine in the penetration of gender perspectives in the forms of research as in teaching methods. In this way, this article aims to cover/narrate the personal itinerary of the researcher in order to account for the affective Co-implications imbricated in the processes of construction of knowledge about abortion in San Juan-Argentina.

This article shows the articulation between academic work, feminist activism and the relationship with our objects of study, it is in that between that the social and feminist researcher situates her dialogue with Sara Ahmed that contributes to the discussion. The contributions of this author, recognized within contemporary queer thought, are: "The Cultural Politics of Emotions" and "Living a feminist life" and they are pertinent to this memory exercise where categories, stories, vital adventures and of course the experiences of the groups that the author of the article inhabited or with which the author of the article is affectively co-involved.

In this sense, some of the militant experiences that make it possible to understand the researcher's interest in studying abortion are listed. Thus, to identify those militant situations, doctoral courses (typical of the course of study, attendance at seminars and participation in debate forums) that allow understanding this article aligned in a queer writing format.


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How to Cite

Chousal , P. . (2024). Affective Co-Implications: Academy and Feminist Activism. Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 13(25), 113–139. Retrieved from