Vol. 5 No. 10 (2016): "Nuevas configuraciones socio-territoriales: medio ambiente / Sumak Kawsay / Buen Vivir"

Interstices of politics and culture. Latin American interventions
ISSN (electronic version) 2250-6543
Facebook: Revista Intersticios
Instagram: revistaintersticios
Gmail: intervencioneslatinoamericanas@gmail.com
The journal Intersticios is an open access academic publication that operates as a tool for the dissemination and circulation of productions that address various Latin American issues. It is coordinated by the Latin American Philosophy Research Group of the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) in conjunction with the South-South Nucleus of Postcolonial Studies, Performance, Afrodiasporic Identities and Feminisms. It is published every six months and its format is electronic.