Social Work Questioned from Feminist Perspectives


  • Ruth Noemi Parola UNCuyo


Social Work, Professional Practice, Experience, Feminism


   In this article, we propose as a theme the fact that the professional practice of Social Work can be seen from critical epistemologies, such as feminist ones, as an experience that enables the construction of knowledge, assuming that between 80 and 90% of those who make up the professional collective in Argentina are women (although these percentages do not differ much in the rest of Latin America). The subalternity of Social Work marks a certain construction of knowledge in the field of Social Sciences in general and social intervention in particular. This subalternity is made more acute and complex by the fact that it is a feminised profession, which means that it is associated with the qualities that in our culture are attributed to the feminine: care, communication, affection and accompaniment. Added to this is the fact that the direct interlocutors of this profession are, for the most part, subaltern social groups, and it is not new to say that women are the preferred recipients of a large part of these actions. Epistemologies of diversity, such as the Epistemologies of/from the point of view, Decolonial and Latin American Feminisms propose to make room for these despised, marginalised, discredited and silenced experiences and, therefore, to reveal the coloniality of knowledge and power in order to seek alternatives that are both utopian and realistic. Being able to think about the experience we live as women social workers and the impact this has on the construction of knowledge would contribute to making visible the strength and potential of feminism to construct another view of the professional practice of Social Work. In this sense, critical, situated reflection will enable us to think (us) from other places.


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How to Cite

Social Work Questioned from Feminist Perspectives. (2024). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 13(25), 93-112.