Some formulas of the languages of the arts that modified the contemporary thought


  • Adrián Esteban Cangi Universidad de Buenos Aires / Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda


esthetic, politics, performativity, instauration, dematerialization



The text addresses formulas for the instauration of critical thinking through the composition of acts of artistic production, between poetic and visual works that have become reserves of perception and action of the processes of dematerialization of market fetishisms, because they have defined the contemporary subsoil of the acts of invention marked by the aesthetic-political urgency that establishes and composes an existential destiny. The artists summoned in this series are producers of performativity because they mark the stylistic tendency of works that affect the world and because they present their interventions as works in process or to be done. The text stops in acronyms, slogans and formulas distinguishing the effect that they manufacture in the production of the poetic and existential gestures that they propose through the esthetic-political actions that they make.


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How to Cite

Some formulas of the languages of the arts that modified the contemporary thought. (2019). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 8(15), 115-139.