Comechingonia accepts the following types of contributions: articles, notes, bibliographic reviews and dossiers.

Manuscripts should be submitted in a Word file on an A4 page with 2.5 cm top and bottom margins and 3 cm left and right margins. The maximum length of articles will be 10,000 words (both for general calls and for dossiers) and that of notes, 3,500 words.

Dossiers may be requested both by the Editorial Committee and by third parties who wish to coordinate the publication of contributions on a particular topic relevant to the discipline. The acceptance process for dossiers is subject to the same editorial regulations as for a conventional article.

Book reviews may be requested by the author, who suggests names to the Editorial Committee; a researcher may also request to review a book. The length of the review should not exceed 3,000 words.

General style:

Submissions should be structured as follows: Title (in original language and English), abstract (in original language and English), keywords (in original language and English), body text, acknowledgements, notes, bibliography.

The text should be 1.15 spaced; 11 point font size Book Antiqua; use italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses).

Title of the paper in Spanish and English: Book Antiqua 11, capital letters, centered and bold.


Metadata (when loading the manuscript into the OJS system):

The title should be written normally when uploading within the system (do not use capital letters or capital letters in each word).

The requested data should be completed in the three languages requested by the system -Spanish, English and Portuguese-. This includes titles, subtitles, abstract and keywords.



In the first instance of sending the manuscript for evaluation, it must unfailingly NOT PRESENT the personal data of the authors and their institutional affiliation. This includes both the body of the text,  the metadata and the title of the work (e.g. Perez.Manuscript.doc). Acknowledgements should also not be included initially. However, once evaluated and submitted to the editors for final publication, the manuscript should include this information below the title.

Full name and surname

Each author should indicate his or her affiliation number in superscript.

If two or more authors belong to the same institution, but e-mail addresses are indicated for each one, it is requested to indicate in separate lines such affiliation, with its corresponding numeral in superscript for each author.

Affiliation: indicate the full name of the main institution of affiliation of each author, city, country and e-mail. Example:

1 CONICET. Instituto de Estudios Históricos/Centro de Estudios Históricos. Corro 308, Córdoba, Argentina. Email: Details of Credit role and effective percentage of participation in the role (see below). 

Co-authored papers must send in an attached file the details of the effective participation of each participant following the Credit guidelines (it is suggested to review in detail the Authorships tab).

We suggest authors to have an Orcid account in order to facilitate the indexing and correct assignment of the papers.


Should be placed in the left margin in spanish and english, in lowercase and bold. The abstract should have a maximum length of 250 words, be coherent with the work and express the problems, methodology and achievements of the same.

After the abstract and summary, five Keywords in spanish and english, separated by commas, should be placed next to each other.


Paragraphs should be separated by a blank line.

Primary headings should be in bold, secondary headings in italics and tertiary headings in normal type. In all cases they will be placed on the left margin, as a sentence and separated from the previous and following paragraphs by a line.

Scientific names, words foreign to the original language of the manuscript and commonly used Latin expressions such as et al., ca., e.g., sensu, a priori, locus, loci, i.e., etc., should be in italics.

Measurements should be expressed in Arabic numerals and in the abbreviated metric system, without a period, leaving a space between the number and the abbreviation. 9 mm; 15 cm; 10 m; 30 km; 2 ha; 7 m2; 27 kg; 30 g; except for "meters above sea level" which should be abbreviated as m asl.

The percentage symbol should be written separated with a space from the figure. 

For example: 4 %.

In the wording of the text, cardinal numbers below nine in the text should be expressed in words, while cardinal numbers above nine should be expressed in Arabic numerals. The numbers that head a sentence and ordinal numbers should be expressed in words.

Accepted abbreviations in widespread use in the discipline include: AP (before present), BP (before present), A.D. (anno Dómini) (A.D.), a.C. (before Christ), AD (after Christ). (after Christ).

All words, lowercase or capitalized, have accents.

Cardinal points are written with lower case when the word is written in full. In case of abbreviations, capital letters are used.

Citations in the text should be arranged in alphabetical order. E.g. (González and Tarragó 2005; Nastri 2001; Williams 2003).

Textual quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks, and if they are longer than five lines, they should be separated from the text by a line above and a line below.

Dates and radiometric ages should be expressed in years BP, followed by the standard error (+-) of one sigma, and the acronym and analysis number of the laboratory (the latter in parentheses). It should be made clear what type of material was dated (wood, charcoal, etc.). In cases where dates have been calibrated, this should be indicated by adding the abbreviation Cal. B.C. or Cal. A.C. as appropriate.

Notes go at the end of the text.

Figures and Tables:

Will be placed in the appropriate places in the text, instead of at the end, in high definition (300 dpi) and in a size that does not exceed the size of the box defined above. Although there is no maximum number of figures, they should not exceed those reasonably required to graph, document and understand the ideas and proposals expressed in the text. Tables should have a simple format, be understandable and legible and not exceed the referenced box. it is suggested to use the table format of MS Word or equivalent word processor.

All figures and tables should be referred to in the text, in the order of their appearance and without abbreviations: "(Figure 1)" or "as indicated in Table 1".

Optionally, complementary material and/or documentary annexes that support the work may be included, in which case a reference should be made in the body of the text in the following form: (see in complementary material pp. or tab xx-xx). In this case they should be submitted in a different file from the manuscript and uploaded in the OJS system in the categories (instruments, materials or research results, and/or analysis or data sets). The format of the files should be editable Word or similar word processors, Excel or similar spreadsheets, etc., but PDF files should NOT be included. If images are attached, they should be inserted in some other format that facilitates editing (Word or Excel type). Complementary annexes will be published by Comechingonia in items different from the main body of the document.

There is no formal limit to the length of supplementary material, but the editors of Comechingonia reserve the right to evaluate the relevance of the data presented in relation to the submitted manuscript.

Bibliographic references:

The bibliographic references cited in the manuscripts, corresponding to the four modalities referred to, both within the text and at the end of it, will follow the following rules:

In the text

In all cases, the numbering of the cited pages follows the year of edition and is preceded by a colon.

a) One author: (Binford 1981) or Binford (1981).

b) Two authors: (Anderson and Gillam 2000) or Anderson and Gillam (2000)

c) Three or more authors: (Hayden et al. 1996) or Hayden et al. (1996)

d) Two or more references from the same author: (Nelson 1991, 1997) or Nelson (1991, 1997).

e) No specific author: (UNESCO 1972) or UNESCO (1972)

f) Primary source materials: (Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Córdoba, Escribanía 1, Legajo 3, Expediente 1).

g) Use of old editions: Ameghino (1918: 122 [1880]).


At the end of the text

Whenever available, the DOI of the article should be indicated.

a) Book, one author:

Coe, M. D.

1987 The Maya. Thames and Hudson, London and New York.

b) Book, several authors:

Michael, H.N. and E.K. Ralph.

1971 Dating techniques for the archaeologist. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts.

c) Journal article:

Jakel, A. y  B. Minichielli

2020 Aportes de la teledetección y SIG al estudio arqueológico de la cría de animales en el valle Calchaquí Norte (depto. de Cachi, Salta, Argentina). Comechingonia 24(3): 141-167.

d) Book article:

Ascher, R.

1968 Archaeological perspectives. New perspectives in Archaeology (ed. by S.R. Binford and L.R. Binford), pp. 5-32. Aldine, Chicago.

e) Unpublished works:

Kent, J.D.

1982 The domestication and exploitation of south american camelids: methods of analysis and their application to circum-lacustrine archaeological sites in Bolvia and Peru. Ph.D. dissertation. Washington University, St. Louis.


Suggested reviewers:

In order to guide the editorial work, an attachment should be sent with four suggested researchers to evaluate the paper, they must be academics of recognised trajectory and whose expertise is relevant. This does not imply that any of the anonymous reviewers to whom Comechingonia sends the manuscript come from that list.

Cover image of the article:

In an attached file in JPG format, authors must submit an image that will be illustrative of the work on the journal's web portal. It can be a figure included in the manuscript or another that they consider representative of it. They should consider that the image should be smaller than 200 x 200 pixels, so it is suggested to use images of simple composition.