The artist's book as a meeting space within an experimental laboratory in contemporary graphics


  • Sara Inés Carpio Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Alejandra Fabiana Hernández Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Book, Art, Meeting, Laboratory, Collaborative/Collective


This work presents the previews of the investigation Project Consolidate A type from SeCyT (2018-2021), “Interrelation between opposite poetics. Production, reception and teaching of art in different spaces with up-to-date technologies”, in which the proceedings of transmition, circulation, appropriation, reception and production of the plastic and visual languages in book format are investigated. 

The artist’s book is the result of an interaction with that which produces an investigation and leads to a discussion and experimental analysis. Through laboratory methology the experiences produced within the investigation team in the collective and collaborative artist’s book can be approached That which dwells inside me. The native forest, published in paper and digital forms by Art and Design Laboratoy about the Book (LADeL), editorial created in the framework of this project.


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How to Cite

Carpio, S. I., & Hernández, A. F. (2021). The artist’s book as a meeting space within an experimental laboratory in contemporary graphics. Avances, (30). Retrieved from


