The Local Committees of The Radical Party of Cordoba and their Importance in the Political-Institutional Environment, 1915-1924

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Gardenia Vidal


In this paper, I study the influence the UCR ‘comités seccionales’ of the city of Córdoba had in the party and in the radical government during the period 1915-1924. These institutions were all over de city and in many cases their leaders belong to the popular sectors, besides the militants became in great number from the lower classes. Because of the number of people they attracted and the capacity to organize them, the power they constructed was very important for the party in the whole province, not just in the city. Therefore their decisions or protests were taken seriously into account.

The main goals they had in mind were to avoid the triumph of the catholic/conservative line inside the party and to defend and consolidate the ‘yrigoyenismo’.


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