The racism problems. The cordobés case in the first two decades of the XX century

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Juan Manuel Zeballos


In the Argentina between the last years of XIX Century and the firsts of the XX, the racism’s expression were more real, falls within in a socioeconomic modernization process national, since the last third of XIX Century.

In that moment, the big changes were: the immigration, the urbanization, the foreign capital arrive, the development of infrastructure and the incipient industrialization. In the Córdoba state, those changes were present too, but with a different velocity and force.

Córdoba was a city with incipient industrial activity and a important trade relations, because its geographical position traditional. The development of the farming and livestock sector was located in the Southeast department.

Definitely, Córdoba was a large city in process of modernization because a State’s policy. In this context, the cordobes “elite” phrased an ideal social ordination based in the races. That ordination was supported for two ideas: 1) “the continuity”, based of the traditional colonial ordination and 2) “the break”, based in the moment of immigration impact and the social problem. The first idea attacked to the native, descendant slaves and mixed race population, while the second idea created an ordination between “the white race”.     

In the research, for do the analysis, to be used the Wieviorka´ s model. This model talks about different levels of racism and its two logics too (the differentiation and the inferiority). In accordance with the model, the racism in Córdoba was a “racism fragmented”. The differentiate logic´s was predominant over Arabians, Jewish and Gypsies, while the inferiority logic´s was predominant over the native, descendant slaves and mixed race population. The racism in Córdoba city, wasn’t an unifying element of the policy action or of the a policy party. In the analysis, to be used the proposals of Taguieff´s model, too. This model talks about different typologies of racism.


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