“But I’ve done well with these Rules of the Game”. Narratives of first-time Right-Wing Protesters against Social Change in Chile

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Emmanuelle Barozet
Daniela Jara
María Luisa Méndez
Álvaro Cabrera


This article analyzes the narratives of the counter-movement that arose in Chile as a response to the social outbreak of October 2019, and the subsequent plebiscite for a new constitution. The focus is on those first-time demonstrators, that is, on those who did not have a previous history of militancy or political activism. The article argues that the main narrative that supports their participation in the protests is a defense of what they consider to be a just social order in society, and that it is being threatened by the mobilizations of the outbreak. They defend a social order based on the principle of deservingness and merit. We show that both notions belong to conservative and non-traditionalist currents of thought, since they are not related to positions acquired by birth. This article has been prepared by the Research Team Escucha Activa of the Center for Social Cohesion and Conflict Studies (COES), based on the analysis of 18 semi-structured interviews with first-time demonstrators who participated in the mentioned mobilizations in the months that followed the outbreak of October 2019.


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Dossier: New Social Actors in Latin America
Author Biographies

Emmanuelle Barozet, Universidad de Chile, COES

Profesora titular, Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile
Investigadora COES - Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Socia

Daniela Jara, Universidad de Valparaíso, COES

Escuela de Sociología, Universidad de Valparaíso Investigadora adjunta a COES

María Luisa Méndez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, COES

Profesora asociada Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Directora del Centro de Estudios del Conflicto y la Cohesión Social, COES

Vicente Espinoza, COES

Doctor en Sociología. Sus líneas de investigación abordan desigualdad social y procesos políticos desde un enfoque de redes sociales.

Guti, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, COES

Directora Magister en Gestión de Personas y Organizaciones, Universidad Alberto Hurtado Investigadora asociada COES

Carolina Aguilera, COES

Investigadora adjunta COES

Álvaro Cabrera, Universidad de Chile, COES

Asistente de Investigación, COES 

Magíster (c) en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile 


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