Cueva Marsicano: lithic raw materials exploitation in the Lower Basin Deseado river, Argentine


  • Pablo Ambrústolo CONICET
  • Rafael Sebastián Paunero National University of La Plata, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum, Archaeology Division, Argentina.



Hunter-gatherers, Technological strategies, Lithic resources management, Mobility, Patagonia


In this paper, based on techno-morphological and statistical analyzes on assemblages of lithic artifacts, from a diachronic perspective the technological strategies related to the exploitation of raw materials by hunter-gatherer groups that occupied during the middle and late Holocene the Cueva Marsicano site, located in the Lower Deseado River Basin, in the northeast of the Santa Cruz province, are evaluated and discussed. The results of the lithic studies of the occupation sequence suggest that the functionality of Cueva Marsicano would have varied within the framework of the exploitation of local and non-local rocks with various strategies. In initial exploration contexts, the site would have been structured as an operational camp, while in potential scenarios of effective occupation of space it would have functioned as a base camp. Home Ranges of varying amplitude would have been configured, which, depending on the location of the site, favored human circulation between inland and coastal areas of Patagonia around the search for and exploitation of resources and/or the transmission of ideas, among other scenarios.


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Author Biography

Pablo Ambrústolo, CONICET

Investigador Adjunto. CONICET


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Ambrústolo y Paunero work's



How to Cite

Ambrústolo, P., & Paunero, R. S. (2022). Cueva Marsicano: lithic raw materials exploitation in the Lower Basin Deseado river, Argentine. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 15(2), 7–22.


