“Extermination and tutelage: processes of formation of alterities in Brazil”, by João Pacheco de Oliveira Prologue of Diego Escolar; Axel Lázzari. Translation by Andrea Roca. 1st edition. San Martín: UNSAM EDITES.





alterities, Brazil, Anthropology


The book "Extermination and Guardianship. Processes of the formation of alterities in Brazil", originated in the translation of the original book in Portuguese edited by Contra Capa in Rio de Janeiro in 2016: The birth of Brazil and other essays. “Pacification”, tutelary regime and formation of alterities. Published by the editorial of the National University of San Martín, Extermination and Guardianship compiles a selection of works by his author, João Pacheco de Oliveira, who as well as an Diego Escolar and Axel Lázzari who promotes the work, is one of them contemporary references of the Brazilian and Latin American Anthropology. At a moment where the possibilities of meeting and exchanging with colleagues from Brazil and Latin America are drastically reduced, the translation of this book by the Castilian is an event to celebrate. And they are interesting because it seems to have been repeated, in the existence of this publication, by the story that Gustavo Sorá (2003) found in his research into the translation of works by Brazilian authors in Argentina, that, at a time when politics was absent of integration between Argentina and Brazil, is the major scientific, academic and artistic exchange between the countries, the product of particular initiatives and in the field of governmental policies oriented to such exchanges. In this sense, it is important to emphasize the value that this translation has today in this context, as part of a project that inaugurates the line of indigenous studies of the editorial of UNSAM.


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Nora, P. (2001). Les lieux de mémoire, t. 1, La République, 2a ed., París: Gallimard.

Pacheco de Oliveira, J. (2010). Una etnología de los indios mixturados. Identidades étnicas y territorialización en el Nordeste de Brasil. Revista Desacatos Nº 33: 13-32.

Pacheco de Oliviera, J. (2016). O nascimento do Brasil e outros ensaios. “Pacificação”, regime tutelar e formação de alteridades. Rio de Janeiro: Contra Capa Livraria Ltda.

Renan, E. (2014 [1882]). ¿Qué es una nación? [Conferencia dictada en la Sorbona, París, el 11 de marzo de 1882]. Disponible en: http://perso.unifr.ch/derechopenal/assets/files/obrasjuridicas/oj_20140308_01.pdf

Sorá, G. (2003). Traducir el Brasil: una antropología de la circulación internacional de ideas. Buenos Aires: Libros del Zorzal.



How to Cite

Espósito, G. (2019). “Extermination and tutelage: processes of formation of alterities in Brazil”, by João Pacheco de Oliveira Prologue of Diego Escolar; Axel Lázzari. Translation by Andrea Roca. 1st edition. San Martín: UNSAM EDITES. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 12(3), 127–129. https://doi.org/10.31048/1852.4826.v12.n3.25514



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