Refitting applied to pottery from Los Tres Cerros 1 site (Upper Delta of Paraná River)
pottery, refitting, technological choices, practices related to use, site formation processesAbstract
Los Tres Cerros 1 archaeological site is located in Victoria department, Entre Ríos province, and it is a mound with a complex occupational history. The abundance and fragmentation of the ceramic record recovered from this site, led to apply the refitting strategy in order to reconstruct the vessels’ life history and identify human practices and natural agents that took part in the site configuration. From a ceramic sample of the whole recovered in grid 1, 43 reassemblies were made, joining sherds from the same level, as well as from different levels. Similar technical choices (i.e., grog addition, application of pigment and rhythmic groove) were identified at different stages of the process of the minimum number of vessels (MNV= 49). Vessels exposed to fire were identified, possibly used for cooking, and also pieces that were likely used to serve. Finally, hypothesis regarding the record’s integrity were proposed, and at least for the upper levels of the stratigraphic sequence, an occupation event that was not largely disturbed after discarding was inferred.Downloads
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