El Ajarafe: An ephemeral mountain space occupied at different times of the Holocene (Tandilia, Province of Buenos Aires)
hunter gatherers, ephemeral occupations, Holocene, Tandilia, Pampean RegionAbstract
El Ajarafe is an archaeological site recently excavated in the central east portion of Tandilia range, in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. It is a small rock shelter located on the hilltop of the south portion of Sierra Larga. Three different ephemeral human occupations during early and late Holocene were identified by four radiocarbon dates. In this paper we introduce the description of the site along with its contextual and spatial characteristics. The results of different analyses are presented, as well, including the technomorphological analysis of the lithic assemblage, the lithic raw materials provenience and quantification and the gas chromatography analysis applied to organic substances adhered to the surface of lithic objects. Besides, spatial studies based on Geographic Information Systems are also described. Finally, the integration of this information of El Ajarafe site is the point of departure for a discussion about the ephemeral human occupations in the Tandilia range through time.Downloads
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