The landscape after-interpretation. Agropastoralism and taskscapes in the Northern Calchaqui Valley (Cachi, Salta, Argentina)
Taskscapes, Northern Calchaqui Valley, Agro-pastoralism, Archaeological theory, MethodologyAbstract
The present work aims to make a theoretical foundation to archaeological study about the spatial dimension of life in the Andean region of Northern Calchaqui Valley (Cachi, Salta, Argentinian Northwest) in the context of after-interpretation current debates. The concept of landscape is particularly discussed as a representation al analytical category, by proposing Ingold’s notion of taskscape as a non-representational alternative for the analytical approach.
Applicability of this key concept, and others of Ingold’s theoretical construction, are tested for a research in progress about agro-pastoral way of life at this area, showing their compatibility and utility to analyze the results obtained to the moment.
Two methodological problems arise from the application of these concepts: a) a difficulty in defining discrete and stable entities for a methodological approach, and b) a need for articulation with local ontology notions, which is fundamental for a more complete approach to the complexity of the way of life in the area.
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