Reflexions for the interpretation of bone activity markers based on an experimental cinematic study of prehispanic mining activities


  • Josefina Urrea Navarrete Universidad de Concepción
  • Pedro Andrade Universidad de Concepción
  • Sonia Parra Universidad de Concepción
  • Oscar Achiardi Universidad de Concepción
  • Hernán Salinas Universidad de Concepción
  • Mary Anne Argo Universidad de Concepción



Bioarchaeology, reconstruction of activities, mining, northern Chile, EMG


The physical activity bone markers have been a widely used to the reconstruction of ancient populations activities. This study compares the muscular activation variability that exists in the probable gestures produced during the iron oxide extractive and processing activities in Taltal, taking in consideration the archaeological material registry and experimental background. This study measured the muscular activity through superficial electromyography analysis of ten different movements performed in various postures: two technical mineral pigment extraction gestures and one grinding technical gesture. The sample for this investigation were 16 subjects, whose muscular activity was measured while performing this gestures. The measured muscles where the deltoid (anterior, medial and posterior portions), trapezius (superior portion), serratus anterior, pectoralis major (oblique and horizontal portions), biceps brachii triceps brachii, , flexor carpi radialis and extensor carpi radial. The results correspond to ten kinematic descriptions of the muscular activation involved during the replicated movements. Our work evidence some interpretation limitations when investigating activity bone markers as well as the necessity of performing experimental studies and development methodologies, which allow to clarify the interpretation.


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Dossier Physical Activity Markers

How to Cite

Urrea Navarrete, J., Andrade, P., Parra, S., Achiardi, O., Salinas, H., & Anne Argo, M. (2017). Reflexions for the interpretation of bone activity markers based on an experimental cinematic study of prehispanic mining activities. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 10(2), 167-176.

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