Translation and Aboriginal Languages as Approached from the Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters


  • Gabriel Torem Universidad de Buenos Aires


oralitures, ethnodiscurses, translation, aboriginal languages, minorization


We shall introduce some of the efforts made by AATI (Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters) regarding the valorization and dissemination of aboriginal languages, with a focus on the link between aboriginal languages and translation, as considered by AATI. This communication seeks to explore the new roles of translators and the challenges of exploring language relations in Argentina.

The newly launched project «Ethnodiscourses in Aboriginal Languages» will be discussed and analyzed, focusing on the ideas of literature, book, and discourse, as they are understood in our aboriginal cultures, and commenting on the role of university publishing houses as language and culture disseminating agents. Moreover, we shall discuss the way in which translator associations in general foster the dialogue between languages, acting as true glotopolitical agents. Topics to be dealt with include the relations between publishing market and academy, and between these and aboriginal peoples, and between oral cultures and literacy, and the differentiated scenarios for each language in view of the newer linguistic policy legislation and the influencing action by local agents. Finally, we shall try to untrigger sociolinguistic debate about the relationship between linguistic rights and social and economic rights in Argentina and, more specifically, in the city of Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Torem, G. . (2022). Translation and Aboriginal Languages as Approached from the Argentine Association of Translators and Interpreters. Nueva ReCIT : Revista Del área De traductología, (5). Retrieved from


