
  • María Cristina Ortiz León Universidad Veracruzana
  • María del Carmen Gogeascoechea-Trejo Universidad Veracruzana
  • María Sobeida Leticia Blázquez-Morales Universidad Veracruzana
  • Patricia Pavón-León Universidad Veracruzana
  • Paola Barreto-Bedoya Universidad de Bóyaca
  • Mónica Patricia Pérez-Prada Universidad de Bóyaca



Tobacco, Alcohol, Marijuana, Risk factors, Protection factors, University students.


Objective: Identify psychosocial factors associated with tobacco, alcohol and marijuana consumption in Mexican and Colombian university students. Method: Transversal study carried out at a Mexican university and at a Colombian one, in students in the health sciences area. The variables considered were: sex, age, people living with, having kids, free time use, peer influence, family factors, self concept and self-esteem. Proportion analysis of each of the variables was performed using Chi-squared test. Influential factors for different consumptions were determined through bi varied analysis using odds ratio and multi-varied regression logistics analysis. Results: Greater consumption of alcohol was observed at the Colombian university and of tobacco at the Mexican one. At both universities, factors contributing for tobacco, alcohol and marijuana consumption were being a male, spending time in a negative way and peer influence. Differences such as living alone and not having kids were observed. Conclusions: The analysis allowed the observation of similarities and differences that must be taken into account when implementing preventive programs regarding drug consumption.


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Author Biographies

María Cristina Ortiz León, Universidad Veracruzana

Investigadora del Instituto de Salu Pública

Universidad Veracruzana

María del Carmen Gogeascoechea-Trejo, Universidad Veracruzana

Investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias de la SaludUniversidad Veracruzana

María Sobeida Leticia Blázquez-Morales, Universidad Veracruzana

Investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias de la SaludUniversidad Veracruzana

Patricia Pavón-León, Universidad Veracruzana

Investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias de la SaludUniversidad Veracruzana

Paola Barreto-Bedoya, Universidad de Bóyaca

Profesora del Programa de Fisioterapia. Universidad de Boyacá, Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia.

Mónica Patricia Pérez-Prada, Universidad de Bóyaca

Investigadora en el Programa de Psicología. Universidad de Boyacá, Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Ortiz León MC, Gogeascoechea-Trejo M del C, Blázquez-Morales MSL, Pavón-León P, Barreto-Bedoya P, Pérez-Prada MP. PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED TO STUDENTS’ DRUG ABUSE AT TWO UNIVERSITIES IN LATIN AMERICA. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 19 [cited 2024 Jun. 29];22(1):41-52. Available from:



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