In search of completeness to improve understanding, in Engineering and Science Computing Bachelor students, of the vector coordinates in a known basis concept


  • Gisela Paola Fitt Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Silvia Raquel Raichman Facultad de Ingeniería- Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



Analytical Geometry, Coordinates of a vector, Anthropological Theory of the Didactic


As teachers of the Analytical Geometry curricular space, corresponding to the first year of the Engineering and Computer Science degrees, in the Facultad de Ingeniería of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, we detected as a didactic problem the appropriation by some students of a correct algorithmic mechanism that is not necessarily linked to an adequate understanding of the mathematical organization of coordinates of a vector with respect to a base of two-dimensional space.

In this article we describe the didactic proposal developed as the final work of the Specialization in Didactics of Mathematics at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis, associated with the aforementioned problem. It arises from a critical analysis of existing materials, available resources and technologies for teaching Analytic Geometry and is based on the Anthropological Theory of Didactics. It consists of four devices that are incorporated at different times of the teaching and learning process within the pedagogical model implemented in the subject.

We present the specific objectives and intentions of each proposed activity and describe how we seek to mitigate the didactic problem, improving the deep understanding of mathematical organization in a greater number of students.


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How to Cite

Fitt, G. P., & Raichman, S. R. (2023). In search of completeness to improve understanding, in Engineering and Science Computing Bachelor students, of the vector coordinates in a known basis concept. Revista De Educación Matemática, 38(3), 4–24.



Aportes para la Enseñanza de la Matemática