The drag in a dynamic geometry program. Its domain of validity as a matter of interaction between students and teachers


  • Daniel Arias Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Verónica Grimaldi Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Horacio Itzcovich Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Rodolfo Murúa Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Silvia Segal Universidad Pedagógica Naciona



Dynamic geometry, Drag, Teaching geometry


For more than two years we have been developing an investigation that aims to study the process of production of geometric and didactic knowledge of a group of teacher-students in interaction with their teachers, as a result of a work of geometric constructions mediated by the use of the program GeoGebra. The use of this program introduces a variable studied by different authors that makes adifference with the work in pencil and paper: the possibility of impregnating movement to the drawings that are constructed, that is, “dragging” them. The analysis that we developed of the work carried out by the teacher-students, around geometric constructions, has allowed us to question our selves about the relationship between dragging, the properties of the figure and the validity of the construction. In this context, “the dragging test” and its relationship with the use of certain properties was insufficient for us to interpret the elaborations of the teacher-students in terms of knowledge production.In this article we propose to problematize this issue from the analysis of some episodes that occurred in the classes of the Geometry Seminar of the Bachelor of Mathematics Teachingfor Primary Education of the National Pedagogical University (Unipe).


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How to Cite

Arias, D., Grimaldi, V. ., Itzcovich, H., Murúa, R., & Segal, S. (2022). The drag in a dynamic geometry program. Its domain of validity as a matter of interaction between students and teachers. Revista De Educación Matemática, 37(1), 7–30.



Aportes para la Enseñanza de la Matemática