Interpreting graphics: the use of GeoGebra


  • Marisa Álvarez Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Rodolfo Murúa Universidad Pedagógica Nacional / Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento



Registers of representation, instrumental procedures, GeoGebra


Problems in which students have to interpret and “read” information from a graph of a function (or a relationship between two variables), given a situation in an extra-mathematical context, are well known. Questions to find the corresponding value of a certain abscissa (or ordinate), in which sometimes the in- formation can be deduced exactly and others approximately, are usually included. It is also possible to analyze variations or issues related to increasing or decreasing intervals of a function. Now, what happens if the graph is presented in GeoGebra? Are the procedures (or techniques) for deducing information from it the same as working with pencil and paper? In this article, we will anticipate different types of procedures that could be implemented by students. Some of them are closer to the work done with pencil and paper and others, in our opinion,
are extremely novel. Besides, we may ask ourselves what are the contributions, in terms of mathematical knowledge, that the software provides when working with "dynamic" graphs. It should be clarified that any potentiality of the software cannot be separated from the teaching intention.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, M., & Murúa, R. (2020). Interpreting graphics: the use of GeoGebra. Revista De Educación Matemática, 35(3), 7–19.



Aportes para la Enseñanza de la Matemática