University teaching: the need of a new paradigm


  • Juan I. Ardenghi Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas
  • Flavia E. Buffo Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas



Teacher training, Subjectivity, A-didacticism, Teaching style


Interviews with first year students of the university in engineering careers, about the process of adaptation to university life reveal how teachers continue to maintain certain traditional teaching mechanisms that are becoming extemporaneous. On the other hand, it is clear, from the vision that the university professor has of himself, and from the content of the entrance regulations to the university teaching, that there is no requirement of teacher training to occupy such positions. The question that arises is whether, in view of the changes in the profile of the university subject, it can continue be maintained this viewpoint that the university professor does not need to have any type of training in the field of teaching and transmitting a discipline. The teacher training will never be definitive, what it displayed is the subjective position of this teacher that is blurred between opposite poles that represent, on the one hand the a-didacticism, that tendency in which the conditions for learning do not constitute an action to consider since good teaching comes directly from the teacher’s scientific knowledge, and on the other hand, education as a set of prescriptive and normative norms. These polarized positions do not seem to respond to this change in the profile of the students, and we suggest that this has an impact on the performance of the students of the first years. This leads us to think whether teaching at university, at least in our initiatory Mathematics subjects, does not need a different teaching paradigm.


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How to Cite

Ardenghi, J. I., & Buffo, F. E. (2020). University teaching: the need of a new paradigm. Revista De Educación Matemática, 35(2), 21–34.



Aportes para la Enseñanza de la Matemática