Considerations on the definition of the n-th root and its connection to the construction of new concepts


  • Fernando Benitez Escuela de Educación Secundaria Orientada Particular Incorporada Nro. 8132 Belén
  • Marilina Carena CONICET - FIQ (UNL)



Mathematics Education, Secondary School, nth Root


One of the main problems in mathematics education nowadays is the lack of motivation in students to learn the discipline. The causes of this phenomenon are diverse and deserve a deep treatment, but this work addresses a particular aspect of mathematical teaching that can be one of them. Precisely, we will present some contradictions, errors and inaccuracies that appear in schoolar books in the teaching of $n$th root at secondary school. We will show how they generate a construction of Mathematics as an inconsistent discipline, which may lead to didactic and epistemological obstacles. In this sense, teacher's work is essential to eradicate possible errors, from the continuous questioning and debate of the bibliographic material, and from the precision and consistency in the presentation of the concepts.


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How to Cite

Benitez, F., & Carena, M. (2021). Considerations on the definition of the n-th root and its connection to the construction of new concepts. Revista De Educación Matemática, 36(1), 9–26.



Aportes para la Enseñanza de la Matemática