Some contributions to problem solving and the use of technology for mathematical thinking: classroom experience of first-year


  • Noelia Londoño Millán Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
  • José David Zaldívar Rojas Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
  • Miguel Vertiz Álvarez Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila



GeoGebra, Problem solving, Strategies


Mathematics teaching is enriched by problem resolution, apart from knowledge, a great variety of skills and abilities are generated when strategies, representations of the mathematical object and technological tools are incorporated, added to those developed using pencil and paper. The purpose of this article is to describe the processes approaching problem solutions of geometric places from two given elements (a line and a point). Ten second-semester students of the Applied Mathematics program at a university in northern Mexico participated in the classroom experience. The role played using the GeoGebra software was notorious, which helped to explore, verify, predict and discover various types of solutions, using different representation registers, as well as different forms of mathematical reasoning ranging from trial-error to the development of well-structured analytical processes and a variety of solution strategies that involved mastery of knowledge and the systematic use of technology.


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Aportes para la Enseñanza de la Matemática