Teaching geometry in high school: Didactic materials to favor the study of geometric figures or solids


  • Alicia Mirta Giarrizzo Docente jubilada.




Geometry, Proportionality, Similarity, Didactic material


High school students knew about the mathematical concepts in different ways during their school trajectory. And, if they do not have the possibility of facing challenging problems in order not only to decide which of those concepts to use to solve them, but also to remedy the mistakes that appear in their productions, it is very likely that they may have difficulty making sense of them. One of the most frequent errors that appear in the resolution of geometric problems is related to the application of direct proportionality to calculate perimeters and areas of geometric figures or areas and volumes of geometric objects when one or more of their linear dimensions vary. Considering the aforementioned, this work tries to share teaching situations that were proposed to high school students. They are based on the construction of geometric figures and geometric shapes of different sizes and forms in order to favor, though their use as didactic material, the learning of contents related to proportionality and similarity.


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Aportes para la Enseñanza de la Matemática

How to Cite

Giarrizzo, A.M. 2021. Teaching geometry in high school: Didactic materials to favor the study of geometric figures or solids. Revista de Educación Matemática. 36, 2 (Jul. 2021), 47–66. DOI:https://doi.org/10.33044/revem.34268.