The Museum goes to your garden
An experience in development to bring early childhoods closer to heritage and history, from their territories
Museum, Chilhood, Cultural Heritage, EducationAbstract
The Education, Mediation and Citizenship Area of the National Historical Museum of Chile has, over time, created educational programs that seek to enhance didactics within its mediations, focused on all audiences but with special emphasis on students of basic, secondary and university, in this aspect, mainly due to an unattractive museography and few spaces designed for early childhood, is that the kindergartens do not regularly visit the museum for these and various reasons, which has prompted us to create an educational program which focuses specifically on working with these communities at the museum on an ongoing basis.
JARA, I. de la (2013). Infancia y patrimonio: los objetos queridos. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones.
JUEGOS Y PATRIMONIOS (2024). El valor del juego en el desarrollo de vínculos. Santiago de Chile: Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia. Santiago, 2024. Pág. 4

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