Surfaces of inscription
Of curatorship as cultural curations
Museums, Education, Decoloniality, CommunitiesAbstract
This article offers a decolonial analysis of the “Inscription Surfaces” project carried out for Room 0 of the Museum of the National Constitution, in Santa Fe. The design and edition of the mapping revolves around a photograph and its multiple semiosis. This image is a unique document of a group of Mocoví women and children violently displaced by the repressive forces of the provincial state, possibly relocated to the reduction of San Jerónimo del Sauce.
The Museum of the National Constitution, proposes -in its Room 0- a fragment of the preamble written on a device that imitates the texture of the stone: "For all the men of the world who want to inhabit Argentine soil". From its visual narrative, the mapping proposes to inscribe -symbolically- on the surface of the stone that houses the text of the Preamble, the silenced others of the nineteenth-century national imaginary, and at the same time, to question that "we" of the project of 19th century modernity.
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