Analysis of changes in the education service of the Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas “Profesor Antonio Serrano” in Para-ná City
Between 2004 to 2021
museum, visitors, common benefit, emotional education, neuroscience, free choice learningAbstract
Since 2004 to 2021, Education Service of “MAS” has changed. Our following analysis aims to reflect these transformations, their causes and significance, stating the multiple factors involved, analyzing observable and measurable properties.
Social imaginary reigns an idea of museum space as a place where certain rights and prohibitions govern. That is why our museum staff, approaching a new paradigma, has given rise new discussions and transformations; also, in constant exchange with visitors, school groups, families we have visualized a path in order to direct some innovations.
This evolution is reflected in changes like education offer, building facilities, activity designs, register of visitors and staff attitude.
When thinking in a museum, we think in rooms, objects, people. And we think that a museum is the beginning of a journey to travel through history, our world and differents cultures. In each place we walk, we stop, we divided, the material space became inmaterial. We know that Nuestro Museo es Nuestra Casa (Our museum is our home) and it belongs to everyone, we act in consecuence, we grow and learn in community; factors are multiple and complex, endemically versatile.
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