Vol. 7 No. 9 (2020): The questioned university extension: gender, sexualities and feminisms

					View Vol. 7 No. 9 (2020): The questioned university extension: gender, sexualities and feminisms


With regard to the heterogeneous field of gender and sexuality, the current context is strongly defined by an ambivalent condition: on the one hand, we are witnessing in our region a recent and pronounced retraction of human rights in general, and of sexual and (non)reproductive rights in particular; and on the other hand, a promising massification of feminism in various spheres of culture, which as an effect of the phenomenon #NiUnaMenos has been called "Feminist Tide". Within this conflictive framework, the sex-gender imaginaries and regulations that subjectify us are vigorously disputed, and such disputes result in the alteration or reification of the cultural horizons we inhabit. 

Such challenges have been deeply received and have had repercussions in various areas of the public university: not only have they had an even greater impact on various research and teaching experiences at the undergraduate and graduate levels, which are already permeated by feminist ideas, but they have also stimulated various extensionist initiatives that assume a gender or sex-dissident perspective as their own. 


Published: 2020-04-30