Infancias en tiempo de pandemia. Experiencias sociopedagógicas con-junto a un centro de salud


  • Natalia Dotti Centro de Salud N°62 de barrio Villa Cornú, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Lia Esteve Centro de Salud N°62 de barrio Villa Cornú, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Cinthia Machado Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
  • Ma. Nóel Martinez Martinez Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
  • Marina Yazyi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina


childhood, rights, education, territory, pandemic


This paper complies the experiences of the Extension Project “Childhood and rights in territory: socio-pedagogical space to accompany the educational trajectories in Villa Cornú” of the Education Sciences career, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba that took place in the Health Center N°62 in the suburb of Villa Cornú of Cordoba.
The aim of this article is to share the process, from the gestation of the project to new ways of thinking and doing Extension during the pandemic times, always upholding the dialogue amongst the voices of the participants of a network made up of the health center professionals, community educators, teachers, students and graduates of the Education Sciences career (FFyH, UNC). The multiple ways in which the project took shape, including the ups and downs and actions involved in being and doing in territory during year 2020 are shared, paying special attention to the creation of socio-pedagogical proposals that “foster” chil- dren from a rights perspective. Likewise, throughout the writing, necessary reflections are introduced regarding infancy in these unpublished times that invite the authors to rehearse possible movements for a future post-pandemic scenario.


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How to Cite

Dotti, N. ., Esteve, L. ., Machado, C. ., Martinez, M. N. M., & Yazyi, M. (2021). Infancias en tiempo de pandemia. Experiencias sociopedagógicas con-junto a un centro de salud. E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 8(11). Retrieved from