Crossing between textile art and social protest: other forms of resistance


  • María del Carmen Bastacini Instituto Superior de Servicio Social y de la Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata (Corrientes)


trabajo social, arte textil, resistencia, protesta social


The present work aims to highlight new expression resources of the social field, which are the result of innovative crosses between textile art and social protest actions, which emerge in our sister countries of Latin America and are strengthened in the period of global pandemic caused by Covid-19.

It is an experience shared with a group of women activists from different countries (Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina) who use textiles as a means of expression, who were strengthened during the pandemic period and have given the opportunity to lead spaces of social protest. For this, we will take some cases of women who from different disciplines have led social claims, through these new languages, which allow us to make inequalities in the region visible.

 Among them, we can mention experiences of textile art as a tool for social struggle. Burlaps, as a support for threads of denunciation, which have circulated around the world, related to the struggles against patriarchy, abuse of power, social inequalities, forms of resistance, feminist proposals and social claims to governments.

We believe that these spaces provide us with valuable opportunities for disciplinary, cultural, intersectorial and interdisciplinary feedback and allow us to experience and develop a "feeling" of our region, situated developments that meet the needs of the territories and the subjects, both at the micro level and at the macro level and create conditions for the possibility of languages ​​that transcend and allow impact.

Author Biography

  • María del Carmen Bastacini, Instituto Superior de Servicio Social y de la Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata (Corrientes)

    Argentina. Licenciada en Trabajo Social (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y Especialista en Docencia Universitaria.  Docente del Instituto Superior de Servicio Social y de la Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata (Corrientes). Activista bordadora y cofundadora de la colectiva de lectobordado “Trenzas”. 


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