editorial, economia popular, conciencia social, numero 10Abstract
This issue of the Journal finds us in the midst of profound changes and celebrations.
It has been five years since the team of the then School of Social Work (UNC) and the tenacious determination of the Director of the Journal -Nora Aquín- defined the reissue of the Social Conscience, this time in digital format. Five years ago, together with Nora, the Academic Council and the Editorial Team were constituted under the desire and commitment to reopen a space to promote discussions, debates and new questions in the field of Social Sciences and Social Work.
Today, we celebrate a new cycle of five years and ten issues of the Revista Conciencia Social, in which we invite ourselves -through thematic calls- to address some of those issues that question professional interventions, that challenge the questions of our research and that stress the reflections on our practices. These are five years and ten issues in which we dared to put into words what we work, think, discuss and build on a daily basis.
This celebration also finds us going through profound changes. Our dear Nora Aquín decided that it was time to delegate the task of directing the Journal, sharing with us the enormous challenge of continuing this project that was germinating from the impulse she gave it during these years.
At the same time, together with the growth of our Faculty, the Journal has joined the Institute of Politics, Society and Social Intervention (IPSIS-FCS) which today houses us and puts us in dialogue with a countless number of research, extension and postgraduate training projects. This double inscription - being a Social Work career and being IPSIS - enriches the voices and viewpoints with which the Journal's agenda is built, links us with another set of institutional actors and will surely allow us to enhance the commitment to qualify and make visible the productions of those of us who do Social Work and Social Sciences.
Disputes for recognition...
The theme of this tenth issue is born towards the middle of the year 2021, impregnated by the remembrances of those deeds that, 20 years ago, staged the urgencies of unresolved daily needs, the popular organization as resistance and re-existence, the rights disputed in popular pots and the streets as spaces for recognition and construction of power.
We remembered that our country -during those years before and after the 2001 crisis- was the scene of countless experiences of other economies; generating in some cases, collective processes that today persist and are strengthened in Popular Economy organizations.
It is particularly in contexts of crisis -such as the ones we are going through today- in which the experiences of these other economies are reinstalled in territorial spaces, in public agendas and in the daily lives of large sectors of the population. Experiences that both stress and articulate the challenge of becoming income-generating strategies, while questioning and resisting the hegemonic mode of capitalist production and accumulation. It was from these remembrances that we called for the submission of articles that would give voice and visibility to the multiple paths that Popular Economy organizations have been building in a context in which the dispute for other ways of producing, consuming and distributing is essential.
This tenth issue gathers a set of articles that, from different perspectives and entry points, contribute to the conceptualization, systematization and reflection on the situated experiences of popular economy in our country; reconstructing the organizational processes, the actors and their relationships, the disputes for power and the tense and necessary links with the state policy.
Likewise, the Review invites us to an exciting journey through the notion(s) of work from its multiple meanings, subjectivities, historicities and configurations; emphasizing the complexities with which these works configure the daily life, make life and society in contemporary times.
Finally, the Interview gives us -in the first person- reflections made from the voice of a member of a social, productive and political organization in the west of the province of Tucumán, Argentina. In the dialogue, in the question, answer and re-question, a set of affirmations, challenges and knowledge are interwoven, which emerge from those daily forms of work and economies that the organizations build, sustain and recreate.
Twenty years after the 2001 crisis, the current situation brings us back to these experiences of economies, of production, of other ways of working and reproducing life; experiences of organized collectives that fight for their recognition as workers, as producers and also as political actors. In the words of Nancy Fraser, "the "struggle for recognition" is fast becoming the paradigmatic form of political conflict at the end of the twentieth century". It is in these arenas and running the margins that Popular Economy organizations burst onto the scene to become inescapable actors in the disputes about the world we want to be.
Fraser, Nancy (1995) ¿De la redistribución al reconocimiento? Dilemas de la justicia en la era «postsocialista». Artículo es una versión revisada de una conferencia pronunciada en la Universidad de Michigan en marzo de 1995.
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