People living alone: alternative for independence or a way of survival?


  • Norah Castro Ortega Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz)


Family home, one-person household, self-employment, senior citizens, child labour


This paper compares, reflects and investigates why a phenomenon so characteristic of industrialized countries, the increasing presence of people living alone (single-person households) due to the fact that these countries have gone through the demographic transition and place a high value on individual independence; occurs in Bolivia, characterized on the contrary by the coexistence of tradition and modernity, of pre-capitalist and capitalist forms of production, which conditions that even people with families (married and cohabiting) are seen by necessity, impelled to migrate alone to other territories of the country, which offer them labor alternatives, most of the time without any social insurance; Likewise, there is a significant presence of seniors living alone and even some children, given that in Bolivia the economically active population is counted from the age of ten.

After this more general analysis, the situation of single-person households in four municipalities in the departments (the primary subdivisions of Bolivia) of Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro and Potosí is shown in a more specific way, where their proportion is between 38 and 50 per cent.

Also, some questions are raised, the clarification of which requires a more particularized and in-depth qualitative research and statistical analysis.

Author Biography

  • Norah Castro Ortega, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz)

    Boliviana. Trabajadora social, Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Docente Investigadora de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz. Correo electrónico:


Arriagada, Irma (2007): Transformaciones familiares y políticas de bienestar en América Latina. En Familias y políticas públicas en América Latina: una historia de desencuentros. Libros de la CEPAL Nº 96. Santiago de Chile.

Bauman, Zygmunt (2014): Amor líquido. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Buenos Aires.

Castells, Manuel (2001): El poder de la identidad. En La era de la información Vol. II. Siglo XXI. México.

Castro, Norah (2012): El Trabajo Social en Bolivia. En Melano y Deslauriers (dirs.). El Trabajo Social Latinoamericano. Elementos de identidad. Lumen. Buenos Aires.

Castro, Norah (2015): Familias monoparentales en Bolivia. Tesis doctoral (inédita). Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla

Castro, Norah (2018): Las familias en Bolivia. Trabajo de año sabático (inédito). Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz

Giddens, Anthony (2002): Sociología. Alianza, Madrid.

Klinenberg, Eric (2012): Going Solo: The Extroardinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone. Penguin Press, New York

Otros documentos consultados:

INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) Resultados del Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2012 (actualizados al año 2014). La Paz .

Base de datos de los hogares unipersonales (preparados especialmente para este trabajo) Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2012 (actualizados al año 2014). Instituto Nacional de Estadística. INE. La Paz .


