Resignifying "the biological" and the familiar: experiences of users of TRHA


  • María Cecilia Johnson Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


family, kinship, biological, feminisms, assisted reproduction.


The Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques (HAART) have brought novelties to the study of family and kinship, as well as to feminisms: the promise of reproduction of the hegemonic, heterosexual and biologically connected family through technology is an unfulfilled promise, which leads one to wonder about its transforming potential.

In particular, it proposes to understand the way in which what is understood as "biological connection" in the framework of kinship relationships is meant in the biographical experiences of the users of reproductive technology in the City of Córdoba. There is an unresolved tension between users seeking to approach a bioconnected "original" and those experiences that account for a transformation of hegemonic categories into their own family arrangements. How much is reproduced and how much changes of sense in the familiar constitutes a central axis in this work. The multiplication of senses of the biological in the reproductive processes, as well as of social roles in the familiar, are some of the dimensions that are explored through the experience of the users.


Author Biography

  • María Cecilia Johnson, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

    Argentina. Doctora en Estudios de Género. Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNC) y becaria Posdoctoral de CONICET en el CIECS-UNC.


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