An approach to the insufficiencies of open government strategies

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Yudith Salvador Hernandez
Mariluz Llanes Font
Miguel Ángel Suárez Benítez


After the creation of the Alliance for Open Government, many countries have developed strategies to enhance this form of government, and today the number of civil society organizations joining these processes is growing. However, there are still shortcomings that have to be addressed in order to make it become a generalized practice in the rest of the Latin American countries. The development of strategies adjusted to each context becomes more complex due to the large number of factors that it encompasses and its possible results in the short, medium and long term. The objective of this work is based on the empirical analysis of some strategies developed by some Latin American countries for the implementation of Open Government; of which three shortcomings are identified and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of their main variables is presented, which will allow establishing priorities for the development of future government strategies. In the conclusions it is highlighted that the dependent variables public servants, technologies and citizen participation have a strong relationship with the independent variables training, information and communication technologies, and motivation, respectively; elements that define possible paths in the elaboration of governmental strategies to promote the success of Open Government.

Article Details

How to Cite
An approach to the insufficiencies of open government strategies. (2020). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 10, 36-47.
Author Biographies

Yudith Salvador Hernandez, Universidad de Holguín

Doctora en Ciencias Técnicas, Universidad de Holguín. Vicedecana Investigación y postgrado, Facultad de Informática y Matemática, Holguín, Cuba

Mariluz Llanes Font, Universidad de Holguín

Doctora en Ciencias Técnicas, Universidad de Holguín. Profesora investigadora, Facultad de Empresariales y de Administración, Holguín, Cuba.

Miguel Ángel Suárez Benítez, Centro de Gestión Tecnológica del CITMA, Holguín, Cuba

Máster en Gerencia de la Ciencia y la Innovación. Profesor investigador, Centro de Gestión Tecnológica del CITMA, Holguín, Cuba

How to Cite

An approach to the insufficiencies of open government strategies. (2020). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 10, 36-47.


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