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Editathons for addressing biases in Wikipedia in Spanish. Analysis of three experiences of collective and simultaneous editing on the free encyclopedia


  • Lucas Aimar Universidad Nacional de Villa María
  • Lila Isabel Pagola Universidad Nacional de Villa María; Universidad Provincial de Córdoba
  • Agustín Zanotti Universidad Nacional de Villa María; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; CONICET



collaborative production, Wikipedia, editathon, bias, educational innovation


The article analyzes three editathons in Wikipedia, in its edition in Spanish. These are collective and simultaneous edition events on the free encyclopedia, aimed at improving coverage of gender, local content and underrepresented groups. The experiences were carried out in Córdoba, Argentina, during 2018 and 2019. The cases are: 1) Editatona de Mujeres Latinoamericanas Arte y Feminismo; 2) Editatón educativo de la ciudad de San Francisco; 3) Editatón: Comunidades originarias del centro de Argentina. We focus on four emerging dimensions: integration of volunteers and institutions; online and offline organization; exploration and recognition of biases; appropriation of the activity. The results show educational potentials in this collaborative knowledge building platform. The methodology is the recording of experiences by researchers-participants, added to the use of secondary sources online.


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How to Cite

Aimar, L., Pagola , L. I., & Zanotti, A. (2021). Editathons for addressing biases in Wikipedia in Spanish. Analysis of three experiences of collective and simultaneous editing on the free encyclopedia. Virtuality, Education and Science, 12(22), 66–83.



Innovation and Experiences