Study of the relationship that the first cycle students of technical secondary school students have with digital technologies


  • Fernando Raúl Alfredo Bordignon Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Argentina



techno-social knowledge, technical secondary school, first cycle.


We in habit a complex world, expanded and enriched by digital technologies, grounded on the informational paradigm and network structure (Castells, 2002), where young people is building new forms of relationship with the world, particularly with the knowledge.  In order to contribute to the construction of knowledge about the relationship about young people and digital technologies, a survey to 505 students of the basic cycle of a technical secondary school in Argentina was carried out. The main dimensions taked into account are: relations with the media, their self perception about the multiple screens, uses, customs, learning and content consumption on the screens and questions about privacy and associated risks. Finally, a series of points of highlighs, derived from the analysis of data, and a link with educational actions that can help improve the teaching experience are presented.


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How to Cite

Bordignon, F. R. A. (2020). Study of the relationship that the first cycle students of technical secondary school students have with digital technologies. Virtuality, Education and Science, 11(21).



Theoretical Basis and Research