The multimodal perspective in the study of VLE. The discovery of the obvious


  • Viviana Corina Svensson Universidad Nacional del Comahue



multimodal semiotic; VLE; analysis, multimodal text; interpretation


This work aims at an account of the relevance of the multimodal semiotic perspective for the analysis of virtual teaching and learning environments (VLE). For this purpose, the theory is framed in the paradigm that originated. The fundamental elements of theory are defined and characterized: ‘multimodal’, ‘mode', ‘modality', 'text' and 'genre multimodal. They operate as interpretive codes of textual productions and focus on certain aspects and problems that help to structure and understand reality. At the same time, they attribute an order and an interpretive logic to multimodal production. The conclusion stemmed from the microanalysis was an inescapable need for this approach due to changes in reading and writing practices in environments mediated by technology and in the subjects immersed in them.


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How to Cite

Svensson, V. C. (2020). The multimodal perspective in the study of VLE. The discovery of the obvious. Virtuality, Education and Science, 11(21).



Theoretical Basis and Research