Free hardware in the classroom: an experience of training in the use of open educational resources in technical schools in Tucumán, Argentina


  • Valentín Basel Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



educational robotics; free software; free hardware; GNU/Linux; Conectar igualdad


Robotics, like many areas of social knowledge, when used in the educational context has multiple applications.  In this way, it can be used in the classroom as a transversal tool for learning mathematical concepts, physics or programming languages. But what makes it relevant in the contemporary educational context? To give an account of this, in this paper we will analyze some experiences related to the workshop "Designing your own robot", held between 2014-2015 by CIIDEPT (Center for Innovation and Research for Educational Development, Productive and Technological) and designed to train teachers and students in the design and home manufacture of robots for teaching programming, using open specifications hardware and free software as an open educational resource developed by the project ICARO.


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How to Cite

Basel, V. . (2020). Free hardware in the classroom: an experience of training in the use of open educational resources in technical schools in Tucumán, Argentina. Virtuality, Education and Science, 11(20), 202–211.



Notes and Reviews