Digital technologies in primary school: teachers' perspectives on their inclusion and classroom teaching


  • Verónica Lucía Gómez Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Guadalupe Álvarez Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento



ICT; primary education; teacher perspectives; ICT Project.


This study aims to analyze primary school teacher´s perspectives on the educational processes mediated by digital technologies and their inclusion in the classroom. For this, a qualitative study is conducted based on the strategies of the Grounded Theory. Based on this approach, different categories and properties are recognized in teacher discourse on digital technologies: ICT vision, which includes the modern or instrumental vision, the non-prescriptive vision and the vision in digital culture; technological resources, which include access, ICT infrastructure and teacher training; and ways of usage, which include different uses as an audiovisual tool, search for information, spaces for knowledge production and exchange (Blogs / Social Networks), programs and applications. The main conclusion is the need to overcome the vision in which teacher represents the only factor in the teaching process mediated by digital technologies, and to consider this process as a part of a broader project promoted by the State towards the diversity of educational communities.


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How to Cite

Gómez, V. L., & Álvarez, G. (2020). Digital technologies in primary school: teachers’ perspectives on their inclusion and classroom teaching. Virtuality, Education and Science, 11(20), 9–26.



Theoretical Basis and Research