The use of the technological resources that the students of the Final Work Seminar of the Bachelor´s Degree in Education have


  • Laura Londero Universidad Siglo 21, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Sandra del Valle Soria Universidad Siglo 21, Córdoba, Argentina



ICT, platforms, contents, education


This article shows the first results obtained in the research project "Didactic tools and technological resources that are used within the seminar to motivate and increase the research competences in the students of the Final Project of the Bachelor's Degree in Education", carried out by teachers of such career taught at Siglo 21 University, in 2020. From a quantitative perspective, a survey was answered by 207 students who took and/or passed the Final Work Seminar. This first stage focused on the students' knowledge of Technologies, the use of networks, educational platforms and their own assessment of the seminar, the contents, the teaching materials and the career level. We start from the assumption that students know about technologies, but apply them sparingly in their professional practice. The results obtained allow to reinforce the use of ICTs especially in the elaboration of their activity plan and, from their comments, to identify what hinders or facilitates the development of their research skills. 


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Innovation and Experiences

How to Cite

The use of the technological resources that the students of the Final Work Seminar of the Bachelor´s Degree in Education have . (2022). Virtuality, Education and Science, 13(25), 97-119.