Digital knowledge and higher education. Curricular challenges for the inclusion of ICT in teaching-learning processes


  • José Alejandro Lara Rivera Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, México
  • Abel Antonio Grijalva Verdugo Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, México



ICT, Multimedia Instruction, Electronic media, Higher Education, Media Literacy


This paper analyzes the role of technology and some communicative artifacts in the university school context. It is what, recently, has been called digital knowledge and that is related to the capacities of subjects to administer, manage and use digital devices and narratives in academic and professional spaces. Thus, the findings of an empirical research conducted at a Mexican university are presented; the sample is simple random probability and is made up of 346 subjects divided by area of knowledge since, we worked with the hypothetical that the discipline of study affects said knowledge. For the analysis, an exploratory KMO factorial and a Bartlett sphericity test were performed; the findings account for the partial incidence of the variable area of knowledge in some of the dimensions analyzed.


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2021-02-11 — Updated on 2021-03-07




Theoretical Basis and Research

How to Cite

Digital knowledge and higher education. Curricular challenges for the inclusion of ICT in teaching-learning processes. (2021). Virtuality, Education and Science, 12(22), 9-21. (Original work published 2021)