The use of virtual tools in the teaching of history at the university


  • Eliana Fucili Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Alejandra Masi Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • David Terranova Universidad Juan Agustín Maza



university education; new technologies; virtual classroom; digital literacy


For some years now, education has been traversed by the introduction of virtual platforms that supplement classroom training and help customize the blended learning model. Such model is intended to change traditional education, which places the teacher in the role of the only agent of knowledge transmission, and to implement a new paradigm in which the teacher acts as a mediator between knowledge and students. This article is aimed at accounting for a pedagogical experience based on the use of virtual tools at the History of Argentine and Latin American Institutions subject. Such subject is part of the Basic Cycle of the Law Degree at the National University of Cuyo (UNCuyo). The main purpose of the teaching proposal was to reconsider a change in the teaching-learning strategies and open new involvement spaces in the way of communicating knowledge.


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Innovation and Experiences

How to Cite

The use of virtual tools in the teaching of history at the university. (2020). Virtuality, Education and Science, 11(20), 182-191.