Virtual teaching of postgraduate writing: a study based on teacher planning actions


  • Lourdes Morán Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos - Sede Concepción del Uruguay
  • Guadalupe Álvarez Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Hilda Difabio de Anglat Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



teaching practice; project design, writing; postgraduate courses


In order to address the difficulties that students face in solving textual productions in postgraduate courses, different pedagogical interventions aimed at generating better proposals are developed. Within the framework of a wider project, this article presents a qualitative study that, based on a virtual teaching experience of thesis writing, addresses the planning of the pedagogical intervention, particularly, the teaching intentions and the training design. This analysis allows to build categories compatible with a reflection-action model. From the reflection field, the issues around the content, the teaching position towards the students and the intentionality of the training proposal are recognized. From the decision scope, actions about the modality, the general process and the local didactic project are identified. The results of this study offer dimensions for the analysis of other formative experiences.


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Theoretical Basis and Research

How to Cite

Virtual teaching of postgraduate writing: a study based on teacher planning actions. (2020). Virtuality, Education and Science, 11(20), 92-114.