History and Objectivity. Emotional distance in analyzing the Basque Conflict



Inter-subjectivity, Generation, Objectivity, Oral history, Terrorism


This article proposes a dialogue between the historiography of modern Spanish history and the ethnographic process I lived through while I was researching the Basque conflict. The narratives explored in this research will help us understand other cases in which oral history and political violence converge in a single text. Oral history was born in the middle of the twentieth century but it has become a common practice in the twenty first century. However, there is a lack of self-questioning by historians when they carry out their interviews. If the purpose of oral history is to hear the stories of persons who witnessed important historical events, then surely, we historians are witnesses to these testimonios during the interviews. We represent the place were the narrator places his life story.

Author Biography

  • Nicolás Buckley, Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Doctor en Filosofia de la Historia por Royal Holloway University of London, Inglaterra. Docente en la Universidad Europea de Madrid, España.


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How to Cite

History and Objectivity. Emotional distance in analyzing the Basque Conflict. (2022). Testimonios, 11(11), 24-45. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/testimonios/article/view/39442

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