History of the Journal

Revista de Enseñanza de la Física began its activity in 1985. During its first stages, direction was in charge of Professors Rosa Adam and Elvira Cicerchia and since 1991 the task was assumed by a new Editorial Committee, directed by Dr. Alberto Maiztegui, at the National University of Córdoba. During all these years, and often overcoming economic difficulties and other challenging situations , the Journal was published with continuity, guaranteeing, since 1992, two issues per year and including, in addition, some extraordinary issues.

The pioneering task undertaken by Rosa Adam, and the consolidation of the Journal, carried out by Dr. Maiztegui, as well as that of all the collaborators who participated in different stages, have constituted an invaluable contribution to APFA, which, through its successive directive commissions, reaffirmed the importance assigned to the Project and ensured its continuity, contributing ideas and suggestions aimed at its continuous improvement.

After over a decade of hard work in charge of the Journal, Dr. Maiztegui expressed his willingness to step aside from the coordination of the Project. In view of this situation, the APFA Executive Committee delegated the responsibility to Dr. Graciela Utges, from the National University of Rosario, who served as Editor-in-Charge from 2004 until July 2014. During this period, important progress was achieved in relation to the positioning of the Journal at international level, making it available in numerous highly qualified databases (OEI, CLASE, PERIÓDICA, Latindex, Dialnet, etc). Since 2011, the decision was made to incorporate the electronic publication of the Journal by adopting the OJS system (Open Journal Systems), which has allowed to multiply the number of national and international readers. After ten years of continuous work and following Dr. Utges decision to delegate the responsibility of the Project, APFA appointed Dr. Laura Buteler from the National University of Córdoba as its coordinator.

Revista de Enseñanza de la Física is an undisputed reference on the problems of teaching and learning of the discipline at all levels and an important vehicle for communication among APFA members. It includes research articles, proposals for the classroom, reflections, notes and information on different aspects of interest related to physics and its teaching. It enables the dissemination of work by researchers in the area of science education, seeking to provide contributions to deepen theoretical foundations, analyze the state of the art and advance in the understanding of significant problems. It provides elements to enrich teachers practices, favoring the publication of proposals, the discussion of concrete activities, and the analysis of experiences. It includes information and news that contribute to the updating of APFA members and readers in general and to the dissemination of events of interest.